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What's on your mind?

Writer: Ebony KingEbony King

27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.”

(Mark 5:27-28)

I've probably studied the woman with the issue of blood a million times now and each time I get a new revelation. This time, I was drawn to the part of scripture that says, “because she thought”. Her thoughts directed her actions. She touched the cloak because she had already made up her mind that it would change her life.

How many of us are thinking the worst and ultimately preventing ourselves from seeing the best? I think I’m unqualified, so I won’t go for the job. I think I’m too old, so I won’t pursue my dreams. I think it’s too late, so I won’t try. I don’t think they will like me, so I won’t engage with them.

Your faith reflects what you think, say, and do.

Today, on our prayer call, I challenged the women to get a kept word in their mouth. A kept word is something that you continue to declare over yourself even when it sounds crazy.

  • A word that challenges you to believe bigger.

  • A word that drives your behavior.

  • A word that transforms your situation.

  • A word that gives you hope.

When you decide what that word is, I want you to THINK on it and SHOW UP everyday expecting things to line up with it.

It was 12 years before this woman saw her healing. What if she would have given up at the 11th year? What if she would have accepted the diagnosis as her portion in life? There was something about this woman that believed year after year that she could be healed even after failed attempts. Otherwise, she never would have tried Jesus. I'm saying to you—whoever you are. There is hope.

Allow your heart to stay open to a move of God. Scripture doesn't tell us if this woman was saved, sanctified, or filled with the Holy Spirit. What we do know is that she was a woman with an issue that needed a solution. She was a woman with a made up mind. Her thoughts drove her actions and Jesus called it FAITH. Some of you are right at the “12th year” of your issues and you’re thinking about settling. To that, I say, “Change your mind because there is something beautiful on the other side of this.” Expect to win.

Love, Peace, and TEA!


Our affirmation for this week. I think, speak, and move with the expectation that I will win.

Join our prayer call every Monday in January at 7am CST/ 8am EST.

Just dial in and mute your line. 727-731-7338


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