"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." - Philippians 1:6
Have I ever shared with you the story of the first time I attempted to bake chicken? It was during my junior year of college, and I was preparing my first real meal for someone I was dating. Guided by my mother's seasoning advice, I was confident it was going to be delicious. Into the oven went the chicken, the timer was set, and I waited with what I thought was patience. When the timer dinged, my anticipation peaked; I assumed the chicken was done - it looked ready, it smelled divine. Yet, when my boyfriend began to eat, our faces fell as he discovered the chicken was undercooked, the meat not falling off the bone as it should. That day, I learned an invaluable lesson about patience and the fallibility of my own timing.
This experience mirrors life in many ways. We often set mental timers, expecting certain achievements or milestones by a specific moment. But when the proverbial oven dings and we eagerly reach for our desires, we may find they need more time to mature.
I've been navigating a particularly challenging transitional season, one that has left me feeling raw and incomplete, much like that undercooked chicken. Recently, while planning an event set for April and discussing the details with my business partner, we both realized it required more time to bake. I expressed my disappointment, acknowledging that this delay was unusual for me. By now I would have hosted my second event. Her response was enlightening, "We have to let it cook." Those words lifted a burden from me, shifting my focus from a rushed outcome to the right timing.
For those who find themselves anxiously watching the clock, marinate on these lessons:
1. The Right Time is Better Than Right Now
Though our hearts may yearn for immediate gratification, the best things in life, like a well-nurtured baby, a flourishing plant, or a carefully prepared meal, need time to develop. Dreams and aspirations are no different. A dish that has been allowed to marinate and cook thoroughly is always more satisfying. The wait is worthwhile.
2. Set Your Timer, but Manage Your Expectations
While it's important to have goals, align your expectations with what truly matters. Time is a factor, but readiness is paramount. There's a distinction between the right time and readiness. If something is ready, then the timing is perfect. However, if we force the issue before its time, we jeopardize the outcome we seek. Our pursuit of fulfillment, joy, or peace can be compromised by haste.
3. Trust in Divine Completion
The most important element is to trust that God, who initiates a good work in us, will not abandon it half-finished. The process may be uncomfortable, and at times it feels like we're on display during our most vulnerable phases, akin to chicken turning on a rotisserie. Yet, this is about achieving the fullness of our calling and purpose. Do not shy away from the heat; do not leap out when it becomes intense. Persevere, and allow God to apply the necessary heat to the unrefined aspects of your life.
In essence, we do not worship a God who leaves things half-baked. If there are areas in your life that seem incomplete, I encourage you to let them "cook" a bit more. Allow our divine chef to meticulously adjust the temperature, to set the timer, and to present the dish only when it's perfectly ready to be savored.
In this waiting, there is a beauty to be found - a deepening of flavor, a strengthening of character, and a cultivation of patience that can only occur over time. While you may face moments when you question the delay or feel the pressure of an onlooking crowd, remember that the best results often come from a slow simmer rather than a hastened boil.
So, sis, trust in the process, endure the heat, and when the time is right, you'll be ready to step out, fully cooked, seasoned by your experiences, and ready to share the richness of what has been prepared in you (in the presence of your enemies). Let it cook, and let it be done well, for the feast that awaits is worth the wait.
Another timely message. 👏🏾